As I watched my little girl play with this, I realized she will likely never know what radio static is or what it’s like to turn a dial to get a radio station. Who knows, she may not even know what a radio station is in the traditional sense.
Dear Selah, This is your daddy writing…you’re actually starting to get the hang of saying ‘dada’…although when you get really excited you sometimes get it backwards saying “ah-dah, ah-dah.” These…
I hate going to the doctor. I’m not really sure why. Perhaps it’s because I wasn’t ever the ‘sickly’ child…or maybe because I hate being sick.
A lot has been said about the lack of civility these days. I agree, though I don’t think the problem is with politics, politicians or pundits. This is not a political post…though the political rhetoric is a bit intense; I think the real problem with civility is with the populous. What happened to common courtesy?
This post is a little late in coming, but we have a baby now, so I get a pass on getting things done for…well how long can I use the…
I am so blessed to have family. Not just my family, but a new family that became mine when I met my wife. I was also blessed to have time to spend with not just one family this Christmas, but both sides. It meant a lot of traveling and since I am paranoid about crime after doing a story about social media and crime I did not tweet for most of the week before and week of Christmas. Don’t worry I saved my more poignant thoughts.
We all go through seasons of love and would imagine, most of them are very similar. Sure the circumstances are different, but like every Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter our seasons of love are essentially the same.
As I write this, your mommy is laying in front of me in a hospital bed all hooked up to the machines as we await your arrival. I can’t believe you are on your way. Your mommy has been wanting to meet you since we first found out about you
As I write this, you are still weeks away from arrival, or you are supposed to be weeks away, and we are still getting ready for your appearance. The room is painted and the crib is put together
A friend of mine recently put out a call for people to talk about their college classes and what classes best prepared them for life in the media. The question got me thinking about my own college experience and how much my world and world view has changed since my time walking the halls at Missouri Southern State University.